The Animals' Revenge (continued):
Never before have we eaten as much fat and protein. Eating more fat increases hormone production; in men it increases prostrate cancer, in women ovarian and breast cancer.
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone tissue. We are told than drinking milk will give us healthy bones, not so! Osteoporosis is most common where people eat the most dairy products. Animal protein increases the loss of calcium in the body. Dairy contains calcium, but it also contains animal protein, which depletes the body of calcium. When we eat animal products we loose calcium through urine over the next few hours. To make up for this, the body draws calcium from the bones causing loss in bone mass and density or in other words, osteoporosis.
The 'common sense' "Four Food Groups" information we are taught from childhood comes from research done by the meat and dairy industry itself. It is self-promotion, advertising. If we say there are four food groups in a balanced diet, then half our intake would be from meat and dairy. This is suicide. Our current poor health / rich nation epidemic is the consequence of this belief.
Guidelines say we need 50 grams of protein a day; most people eat 200% as much as that. 200 grams a day. Dietary deficiencies are not the problem here. Excess is the problem.
The cost of meat is water depletion, land degradation, and contamination of the living world, torture and imprisonment of animals, death, obesity, depression, cancer and heart disease amongst other diseases. It is a contributing factor to world poverty and starvation.
Treating animals as food machines creates a separation between us and nature. It is degrading to us as humans to take part in the torture and imprisonment of animals, and the destruction of our home, Mother Earth.
By switching to a vegan diet you will do more for yourself and the planet than and other act. And you'll be in great company!
A long list of Famous Vegans is on the next page.