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Light Seeds: Light Seeds are nonprofit opportunities we'd like to birth, help to grow, and then leave to self sustain. Like a simple project to distribute health information, costing œ500. Or fantasies of love and light, that would explode rainbows of Light Seeds, for a few hundred thousand pounds. The intention of Light Seeds is to flood our world with autonomous projects that make better use of the time and money, currently fed into multinational, establishment backed charities. Look into some of the top charities, and you'll see that they don't do much with the resources they are given, by us. It's not our aim to control these projects. They should be run by those who love them, so they can earn their living while also following their heart and improving their corner of the world. There are many inspirationally gifted people, eager for change, who are ready to work now! Giving simple tools for positive and prosperous living to those who want, and need them, will improve the world for everyone. You can help! We want to work with real people sowing seeds of change. We can act together to build a positive way foreward. Do you fit into this in any way? Let us know who you are. Your information will be held in confidence and never given without your prior consent. We'd love to hear from you. You can contact us by phone, post or email. Our "Contact Us" page has all our details.