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We're Eating Our Home, Mother Earth, To Death (continued): Hens are so confined; their feet grow into and around the wire in their cages. 90% of chickens have cancer. Male chicks aren't profitable so the get thrown alive into grinders. 280 million chicks die each year. Chickens have to be killed at two months old or else they will die due to the way they are bred and fed. There are usually 100,000 to 200,000 chickens in one barn. So to protect against infectious disease, which could wipe the lot out, they are fed antibiotics. Much stronger ones than we use. It remains as a residue in the food we eat. Increasing our resistance to them. Dairy cows output is so obscenely high, they loose excessive calcium from bones which end up crinkled like crisps. 80% of dairy cows have pneumonia. They live a fraction of their natural lives and are literally milked to death. Constant pregnancies, drugs and over milking kill them. After a few years of dairy farming cows simply fall over and can't get up. No one knows why this is happening. Some suspect it's because cows are fed feed that contains chicken manure, cats, and circus animals. Cows are meant to be vegan. 98% of all animals abused and killed are animals we eat. A Texas beef company was found chopping the hooves off live cattle. On a pig farm, hogs are squealing and kicking as they are being lowered into the boiling water. We kill wild animals to protect the animals we eat. We destroy the environment to feed these animals. We spend more time, money and resources fattening the animals we eat than we do feeding humans that are actually starving. The greatest irony is that after the expense of raising these animals, we eat them, and they kill us. And instead of recognizing this insanity, we torture and kill millions of other animals trying to find a cure for the diseases caused by eating animals. An animal based diet: Consumes a third of raw materials and fossil fuels. Uses half our fresh water. Pollutes half of our remaining fresh water. Depletes our fresh water. Poisons our food supply. Destroys topsoil. Destroys forests. Destroys biodiversity Destroys species. Changing your diet will make you healthier and happier, and it will help to heal the planet.