07762 437032

Upgrade your life with a Shakedown Reading!


shake·down   (shkdoun) n.

1. Slang A thorough search of a place or person.

2. A period of appraisal followed by adjustments to improve efficiency or functioning.


Liberating life and love through clairvoyant insight.


Amping up your world takes the right insight, inspiration and a little magic.


I'm here to help you get unstuck and live a life that you never dreamed was possible.

I’m not for the weak of heart. I will look closely, and work intensely with you, so I’m assuming you’re here because you have a burning desire for change.


Using clairvoyant insight, your Shakedown Reading will be down to earth and helpful in a very practical way.


I don't use astrology, numerology, tarot or any other tools or gimmicks.


It is all about you, and what is going on in your life, written in normal language, using words that you understand, no New Age gibberish or spiritual jargon.


People often tell me that it is as if I am looking into their minds and reading their thoughts.

The readings are very powerful in that way, because when I link with you I can feel what you feel, and think what you think.


I can also see your situation from a different perspective, which can be very enlightening, especially when talking about relationships.


Like one client said:

“Thank you for truly understanding me with my deepest thoughts and concerns. It is an unique feeling when someone really knows how you feel and no one ever managed to do that so profoundly except you.”


Using the gift of foresight, I can tell you what the highest possibility is for you, and how to get there. You will know that this possibility is true, and just for you, because it will echo your deepest wishes, and dreams, the ones you don't let on to anyone about.


Full Shakedown Readings are a minimum of 1,000 words, often much longer as I keep going until everything that needs to be said, is said. My normal wait time is between 7 and 10 days, but let me know if you need it quicker than then.


Mini Shakedown Readings are for when you just need a few specific questions answered. You can ask up to 3 questions, I give you about 300 words in total for the mini session. You'll receive your Mini Shakedown within 48 hours.